dAFi's 7th Birthday Celebration Folio
dAFi's 7th Birthday Celebration Folio
Your donation of $7 is greatly appreciated. As a thank you, our wonderful Laura is printing and mailing 2 folio printables for you.
Laura has created an amazing set of folio's one is a cat folio. The other one is a dog folio and these will be printed for you. The cost of this kit will include both folios printed and mailed to you. There is no shipping expense nor printing expense.
They are bright and cheerful just like we all need and the theme idea came up from a discussion about our seven year itch… the cat scratch, ding.. and then we have love for dogs too.
We will get these out to you as soon as possible so you can participate in our wild and fun event… The dAFi birthday party. See you there https://youtube.com/live/7YrBJpyXPMc